

Selected IASBS lecturers honoured in celebration of Teacher's Week and Educational Excellence
Selected IASBS lecturers honoured in celebration of Teacher's Week and Educational Excellence

Selected IASBS lecturers honoured in celebration of Teacher's Week and Educational Excellence

Seven selected university lecturers from different IASBS departments have been praised and honoured in the presence of the Deputy Minister for Education of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in celebration of Teacher's Week and Educational Excellence.

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Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000

Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000

Efforts made by the staff of IASBS Science House together with the policies of the management of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) have resulted in the number of school students benefiting from the services of IASBS’s Science Ambassadors project exceeding 3,200.

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IASBS ranks 7 in paper publication on Nature-Index
IASBS ranks 7 in paper publication on Nature-Index

IASBS ranks 7 in paper publication on Nature-Index

The IASBS has ranked 7 in publication of papers on Nature-Index among Iranian universities and higher education institutions.

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IASBS holds Iranian New Year (Nowruz) gathering
IASBS holds Iranian New Year (Nowruz) gathering

IASBS holds Iranian New Year (Nowruz) gathering

The IASBS has held a traditional gathering to mark the Iranian New Year (Nowruz). IASBS members met in an open air ceremony to congratulate Nowruz on Saturday, 6 April 2024.

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IASBS faculty wins 2nd place in fundamental research at Khawarzmi International Youth Festival
IASBS faculty wins 2nd place in fundamental research at Khawarzmi International Youth Festival

IASBS faculty wins 2nd place in fundamental research at Khawarzmi International Youth Festival

Khawarzmi International Youth Festival’s second prize in Fundamental Research has been awarded to a faculty member of the IASBS Department of Chemistry, Dr Amin Abdolahi Sharifabad.

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IASBS Internet bandwidth goes up
IASBS Internet bandwidth goes up

IASBS Internet bandwidth goes up

Following an order and follow-up by the IASBS president, the University’s Internet bandwidth has been doubled.

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Dr Nasim Ganji's paper published on the cover of prestigious ACS’s Applied Nano Materials
Dr Nasim Ganji's paper published on the cover of prestigious ACS’s Applied Nano Materials

Dr Nasim Ganji's paper published on the cover of prestigious ACS’s Applied Nano Materials

Dr Nasim Ganji's research paper has been selected and published on the cover of the prestigious Applied Nano Materials journal published by the American Chemical Society (ACS) at the invitation of the editorial board.

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Dr Abolfazl Rezaei’s paper published as outstanding article in prestigious Earth System Dynamics journal
Dr Abolfazl Rezaei’s paper published as outstanding article in prestigious Earth System Dynamics journal

Dr Abolfazl Rezaei’s paper published as outstanding article in prestigious Earth System Dynamics journal

A research article by Dr Abolfazl Rezaei has been selected and published as an outstanding paper by the editor in chief of Earth System Dynamics journal.

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IASBS Taekwondo-in wins Region 3 University Sports Championship and quota for Students Sports Olympiad
IASBS Taekwondo-in wins Region 3 University Sports Championship and quota for Students Sports Olympiad

IASBS Taekwondo-in wins Region 3 University Sports Championship and quota for Students Sports Olympiad

A Taekwondo-in member of the IASBS Team has succeeded in the Region-3 University Sports Competitions and won the quota for the Students Sports Olympiad in 2024.

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Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics
Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics

Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics

The IASBS President Prof Babak Karimi has appointed Dr Nahid Azimi as the new Head of the Physics Department.

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