Staff and Faculty

Staff and Faculty

Name Email ( ) Telephone Office Section
Abasi, Rahim r_abbassi +98 24 3315 3133 Chemistry Building, Room 133 Plumbing Affairs
Abbasi, Majid madjid.abbasi +98 24 3315 3783 Earth Sciences Building, Room A010 Department of Earth Sciences
Abbasnejad, Ali abbasnejad +98 24 4446 8100 Mathematics Building, Room 100 Tehran Office
Abbaszadeh, Davood d.abbaszadeh +98 24 3315 2114 Physics Building, Room 114 Department of Physics
Abdollahi, Amin a.abdollahi +98 24 3315 3132 Chemistry Building, Room 131 Department of Chemistry
Abdollahi, Hamid abd +98 24 3315 3122 Chemistry Building, Room 122 Department of Chemistry
Abdollahi, Navid n.abdollahi +98 24 3315 5157 Mathematics Building, Room 157 Financial Affairs
Abdollahpour, Daryoush dabdollahpour +98 24 3315 2222 Physics Building, Room 222 Department of Physics
Abedi, Masoudeh m_abedi +98 24 3315 2116 Physics Building, Room 116 Department of Physics
Abedini, Leila l_abedini +98 24 3315 3876 Earth Sciences Building, Room C101 Faculty Recruitment Executive board
Abedini, Shahnaz abedini +98 24 3315 5156 Mathematics Building, Room 156 Financial Affairs
Abedinpour, Saeed abedinpour +98 24 3315 2215 Physics Building, Room 215 Department of Physics
Abouie, Jahanfar jahan +98 24 3315 2111 Physics Building, Room 111 Department of Physics
Adrang, Neda adrang +98 24 3315 3483 Mathematics Building, Room 125 Education Affairs
Aflaki, Mahtab aflaki +98 24 3315 3820 Earth Sciences Building, Room A107 Department of Earth Sciences
Afshar, Afshin aafshar +98 24 3315 2076 Warehouse, Room 076 Warehouse Affairs
Afshar, Fariba fafshar +98 24 3315 2290 Torkaman Library, Room 290 Torkaman Library
Afsharchi, Mohsen afsharchi +98 24 3315 3377 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 377 Department of Computer Science and IT
Ahadi Akhlaghi, Ehsan e.a.akhlaghi +98 24 3315 2020 Physics Building, Room 020 Department of Physics
Ahmadi, Hamideh h.ahmadi +98 24 3315 5144 Mathematics Building, Room 123 Administrative Affairs
Ahmadi, Maryam ahmadi.m +98 24 3373 9157 Science and Technology Park, Novel Sciences Building, Room 211 Science & Technology Park
Akbari Birgani, Shiva sh.akbari +98 24 3315 3304 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 338 Department of Biological Sciences
Alimohammadi, Mozaffar m.alimohammadi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 235 Service Affairs
Alizadeh, Ali a.alizadeh +98 24 3315 3449 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 449 Security Affairs
Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein m.alizadeh +98 24 3315 5081 Mathematics Building, Room 081 Department of Mathematics
Almasi, Avina almasi +98 24 3315 5036 Mathematics Building, Room 036 Computer Center
Amanlou, Hasan amanlou +98 24 3315 2114 Chemistry Building, Room 114 Service Affairs
Amir, Mohsen m.amir +98 24 3315 3875 Earth Sciences Building, Room C101 Public Relations
Amiri, Mohammad Taghi mamiri +98 24 3315 5134 Mathematics Building, Room 134 Student Affairs
Ansari, Ebrahim ansari +98 24 3315 3380 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 219 Department of Computer Science and IT
Arambon, Yahya arambon House of Science Service Affairs
Arvin, Shiva sh.arvin +98 24 3315 3838 Earth Sciences Building, Room A132 Department of Earth Sciences
Asadi, Ali a.asadi +98 24 3315 2179 Mathematics Building, Room 088 Service Affairs
Asadi, Behroz b.asadi +98 24 3315 3428 Physics Building, Room 179 Service Affairs
Asadi, Esmeel easadi +98 24 3315 5088 Mathematics Building, Room 237 Department of Mathematics
Asadi, Fatemeh fasadi +98 24 3315 5161 Mathematics Building, Room 161 Administrative Affairs
Asadian, Ali ali.asadian +98 24 3315 2018 Physics Building, Room 018 Department of Physics
Azimi, Nahid nahid.azimi +98 24 3315 2214 Physics Building, Room 214 Department of Physics
Azizi, Davood d.azizi +98 24 3315 2070 Physics Building, Room 070 Security Affairs
Azizi, Morteza m.azizi +98 24 3315 5160 Mathematics Building, Room 160 Financial Affairs
Badamestani, Mehrab Ali m.badamestani +98 24 3315 2070 Physics Building, Room 070 Executive Management Office
Badamestani Moghaddam, Afshin a.moghaddam +98 24 3315 2070 Physics Building, Room 070 Service Affairs
Bahmani Rad, Shahram bahmani +98 24 3315 4221 Science and Technology Park, Room 225 Science & Technology Park
Barari, Zahra barari +98 24 3315 3441 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 441 Department of Computer Science and IT
Baricabi, Nahid baricabi +98 24 3315 5158 Mathematics Building, Room 158 Administrative Affairs
Bayet Goll, Aram bayetgoll +98 24 3315 3781 Earth Sciences Building, Room A008 Department of Earth Sciences
Bazargan, Sara s.bazargan +98 24 3315 2211 Physics Building, Room 211 Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming(CRCC)
Bigdeli, Abolfazl a_bigdeli +98 24 3315 3938 Earth Sciences Building Transportation Affairs
Bigdeli, Alireza abigdeli +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Bigdeli, Rahbar r.bigdeli +98 24 3315 2076 Physics Building, Room 076 Gardening
Biglary, Abbas big +98 24 3315 5159 Mathematics Building, Room 159 Administrative Affairs
Dadashi-Arani, Hassan dadashi +98 24 3315 5115 Mathematics Building, Room 115 Department of Mathematics
Daraei, Mehdi daraeimehdi +98 24 3315 3780 Earth Sciences Building, Room A007 Department of Earth Sciences
Davoodi Monfared, Mansoor mdmonfared +98 24 3315 3376 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 376 Department of Computer Science and IT
Ebadi, Ruhollah r.ebadi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Ebadi, Zinol Abedin ebadi +98 24 3315 2076 Physics Building, Room 076 Gardening
EidelKhani, Morteza m.eidelkhani +98 24 3315 2070 Physics Building, Room 070 Security Affairs
Emadi, Saeed emadi +98 24 3315 3306 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 307 - Mathematics Building, Room 122 Department of Biological Sciences
Etemad-saeed, Najmeh n.etemad +98 24 3315 3818 Earth Sciences Building, Room A105 Department of Earth Sciences
Fakheri, Farzaneh fakheri +98 24 3373 9147 Science and Technology Park, Novel Sciences Building, Room 202 Science & Technology Park
Faraei, Zahra z.faraei +98 24 3315 2249 Physics Building, Room 249 Department of Physics
Faraji, Samad s.faraji Mathematics Building Service Affairs
Farnudi, Bahman farnudi +98 24 3315 2119 Physics Building, Room 119 Foreign Languages Section
Farrokhi D. G., Mohammad farrokhi +98 24 3315 5082 Mathematics Building, Room 212 Department of Mathematics
Fathi, Ali ali.fathi Earth Sciences Building Service Affairs
Fattahi, Sara fattahi +98 24 3315 3483 Mathematics Building, Room 483 Education Affairs
Fazli, Hossein fazli +98 24 3315 2216 Physics Building, Room 216 Department of Physics
Foroush Bastani, Ali bastani +98 24 3315 5106 Mathematics Building, Room 106 Department of Mathematics
Frrokhi, Shahroz sh_farokhi +98 24 3315 4220 Science and Technology Park , Room 225 Science & Technology Park
Ghalandari, Nader n.ghalandari Science and Technology Park, Novel Sciences Building Service Affairs
Ghodamaee, Mehdi ghodamaee_m +98 24 3315 5151 Mathematics Building, Room 151 Supplying Affairs
Ghods, Abdolreza aghods +98 24 3315 3784 Earth Sciences Building, Room A011 Department of Earth Sciences
Ghofrani Azar, Maryam ghofrani +98 24 3315 5133 Mathematics Building, Room 133 Education Affairs
Gholam Azad, Saeed sghazad +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Gholinejad, Mohammad gholinejad +98 24 3315 3222 Chemistry Building, Room 222 Department of Chemistry
Ghorbanalizadeh, Arash ghorbanalizadeh +98 24 3315 5110 Mathematics Building, Room 110 Department of Mathematics
Ghorbani, Hosein hosein.ghorbani +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Ghorbanzadeh Moghaddam, Ali agorbanz +98 24 3315 2221 Physics Building, Room 221 Department of Physics
Golmohammadi, Hemmat Ali h.golmohammadi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Goodarzi, Hossien goodarzi +98 24 3315 2255 Physics Building, Room 255 Computer Center
Habibian, Farhad farhad.habibian +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Habibian, Farid addin habibian +98 24 3315 5124 Mathematics Building, Room 124 Security Affairs
Hadi-Alijanvand, Hamid hhadi +98 24 3315 3316 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 316 Department of Biological Sciences
Haghi, Hosein haghi +98 24 3315 2124 Physics Building, Room 124 Department of Physics
Haghshenas Lari, Hojjat hojjat.lari +98 24 3315 3799 Earth Sciences Building, Room A110 Department of Earth Sciences
Hajizadeh, Faegheh hajizade +98 24 3315 2013 Physics Building, Room 013 Department of Physics
Hasani, Abbas a_hasani +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Hasani, Kamal k.hasani Dormitory Security Affairs
Hasani, Sajad sadjad +98 24 3315 2136, +98 24 3315 5132 Mathematics Building, Room 132 Security Affairs
Hasani Zonoozi, Akram a.hasani +98 24 3315 2121 Physics Building, Room 121 Department of Physics
Hasanidost, Hosein hasanidost +98 24 3315 5149 Mathematics Building, Room 149 Technical Office
Hashemi, Seyedeh Mahnaz mhashemi +98 24 3315 2011 Physics Building, Room 011 Department of Physics
Hassani, Leila hasani +98 24 3315 3315 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 315 Department of Biological Sciences
Hatami, Amir amir.hatami +98 24 3315 3105 Chemistry Building, Room 105 Department of Chemistry
Hayati, Ali a.hayati +98 24 3315 2137 Physics Building, Room 137 Security Affairs
Heidari, Mehdi m.heidari +98 24 3315 5154 Mathematics Building, Room 154 Planning and Investment
Heydari, Alireza alirezaheydari +98 24 3315 5155 Mathematics Building, Room 155 Financial Affairs
Heydari, Ghorban g.heydari +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Heydari, Zeynallabin z.heydari +98 24 3315 5139 Mathematics Building, Room 139 Sport Affairs
Homayouni, Shima sh.homayouni +98 24 3315 2140 Physics Building, Room 140 Research Affairs
Honarmand, Maryam m.honarmand +98 24 3315 3827 Earth Sciences Building, Room A115 Department of Earth Sciences
Hooshmand , Mohsen mohsen.hooshmand +98 24 3315 3403 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 238 Department of Computer Science and IT
Hoseini, Hasan hhoseini +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Service Affairs
Jalili, Razzagh r.jalili +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Jangi, Elnaz elnazjangi +98 24 3315 2252 Physics Building, Room 252 Computer Center
Jazaeri, Ehsan ollah e.jazaeri +98 24 3315 3006 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 006 Department of Biological Sciences
Jozi, Ghanbar jozi +98 24 3344 2235 Physics Building, Room 235 Security Affairs
Kaboudin, Babak kaboudin +98 24 3315 3220 Chemistry Building, Room 220 Department of Chemistry
karami majoomerd, Asieh a.karami +98 24 3315 2246 Physics Building, Room 246 Department of Physics
Karami Zarandi, Saeed s.karami +98 24 3315 5105 Mathematics Building, Room 105 Department of Mathematics
Kargar Pisheh, Mohammad mkargar +98 24 3315 5124 Mathematics Building, Room 124 Security Affairs
Karimi, Babak karimi +98 24 3315 3225 Chemistry Building, Room 225 Department of Chemistry
Kazemi, Foad kazemi_f +98 24 3315 3235 Chemistry Building, Room 219 Department of Chemistry
Kazemi, Habib habibkazemi +98 24 3315 3126 Chemistry Building, Room 126 Department of Chemistry
Kazemi, Majid majid.kazemi +98 24 3315 2047 Physics Building, Room 047 Executive Management Office
Keshavarz Afshar, Hasan keshavarz.afshar +98 24 3315 3237 Chemistry Building, Room 237 Department of Chemistry
Khademy, Mitra Mitra.khademy +98 24 3315 3339 ,3331 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 339 Department of Biological Sciences
Khajehpour, Mohamad Reza pour +98 24 3315 2112 Physics Building, Room 112 Department of Physics
Khastan, Alireza khastan +98 24 3315 5113 Mathematics Building, Room 113 Department of Mathematics
Khedmati, Morteza khedmati +98 24 3315 5151 Mathematics Building, Room 151 Supplying Affairs
Khodayifar, Salman s.khodayifar +98 24 3315 5087 , +98 24 3315 5122 Mathematics Building, Room 415 , Department of Postgraduate Education, Room 122 Department of Mathematics
Khorasani, Mojtaba m_khorasani +98 24 3315 3223 Chemistry Building, Room 223 Department of Chemistry
Khosravi, Behnam b.khosravi +98 24 3315 5090 Mathematics Building, Room 104 Department of Mathematics
Kolahchi, Mohammad Reza kolahchi +98 24 3315 2113 Physics Building, Room 113 Department of Physics
Kompany-Zareh, Mohsen kompanym +98 24 3315 3123 Chemistry Building, Room 123 Department of Chemistry
Kowsari, Mohammad Hossein mhkowsari +98 24 3315 2258 Chemistry Building, Room 207 Department of Chemistry
Lashgari, Mohsen lashgari +98 24 3315 3205 Chemistry Building, Room 205 Department of Chemistry
Mahdavi, Atiyeh a.mahdavi +98 24 3315 3310 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 310 Department of Biological Sciences
Mahmoudi, Zahra mahmoudi.z +98 24 3315 4225 Science and Technology Park, Room 219 Science & Technology Park
Maleki, Maniya m_maleki +98 24 3315 2022 Physics Building, Room 022 Department of Physics
Malhoni, Leila lmalhoni +98 24 3315 3007 Chemistry Building, Room 007 Department of Chemistry
Mansouri, Gorban Ali g.mansouri +98 24 3315 3133 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 133 Security Affairs
Mardani, Atefeh a.mardani +98 24 3315 2132 Physics Building, Room 134 Research Affairs
Masoudi, Mohammad masoudi +98 24 3315 3313 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 313 Department of Biological Sciences
Masoum, AliReza masoum +98 24 3315 3402 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 236 Department of Computer Science and IT
Masoumi, Zohreh z.masoumi +98 24 3315 3819 Earth Sciences Building, Room A106 Department of Earth Sciences
Maysami Sadr, Maysam sadr +98 24 3315 5086 Mathematics Building, Room 086 Department of Mathematics
Meratan, Ali Akbar a.meratan +98 24 3315 3309 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 139 Department of Biological Sciences
Mihanparast, Somaieh mihanparast +98 24 3315 3826 Earth Sciences Building, Room A114 Department of Earth Sciences
Mirsadeghi, Emad emir +98 24 3315 4201 Science and Technology Park, Room 201 Science & Technology Park
Mirzaee, Majid m.mirzaee +98 24 3315 5087 Mathematics Building, Room 087 Security Affairs
Mobini, Farhad f_mobini +98 24 3315 2141 Physics Building, Room 141 Research Affairs
Moghaddam, Mohammad Reza m.moghadam +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Mohamadi, Naser n.mohammadi +98 24 3315 2306 Physics Building, Room 306 Warehouse Affairs
Mohamadi, Parisa parisamohamadi +98 24 3315 5014 Science and Technology Park, Room 220 Science & Technology Park
Mohamadi, Sanaz sanaz.mohammadi +98 24 3315 3232 Chemistry Building, Room 232 Department of Chemistry
Mohamadi, Zinolabdin z.mohamadi +98 24 3315 2287 Physics Building, Room 287 Service Affairs
Mohamadnia, Zahra z.mohamadnia +98 24 3315 3130 Chemistry Building, Room 130 Department of Chemistry
Mohammad Rafiee, Farshid farshid +98 24 3315 2023 Physics Building, Room 023 Department of Physics
Mohammadi, Ali a_mohammadi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Gardening
Mohammadi, Ayat a-mohammadi +98 24 3344 5129 Physics Building, Room 129 Gardening
Mohammadi, Fakhrossadat fmohammadi +98 24 3315 2156 Chemistry Building, Room 218 Department of Chemistry
Mohammadi, Jamal j.mohammadi Mathematics Building Gardening
Mohammadi, Mehdi m_mohammadi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Mohammadi, Mohammadreza m.mohammadi +98 24 3315 5143 Mathematics Building, Room 143 Gardening
Mohammadi, Ziba zibamohammadi +98 24 3315 5147 Mathematics Building, Room 147 Planning and Investment
Mohammadi Khalesifard, Hamid Reza khalesi +98 24 3315 2123 Physics Building, Room 123 Department of Physics
Mohammadkhani, Ali a.khani +98 24 3315 5134 Mathematics Building, Room 134 Student Affairs
Mohtavi, Parisa mohtavi +98 24 3315 5153 Mathematics Building, Room 153 Planning and Investment
Molavi, Hossein h.molavi +98 24 3315 3104 Chemistry Building, Room 104 Department of Chemistry
Monsef, Iman iman.monsef +98 24 3315 3785 Earth Sciences Building, Room A012 Department of Earth Sciences
Moradi, Ali Reza moradika +98 24 3315 2122 Physics Building, Room 122 Department of Physics
Moradi, Mehdi m_moradi +98 24 3315 5050 Mathematics Building, Room 050 Supplying Affairs
Mostafavi Amjad, Jafar mostafavi +98 24 3315 2016 Physics Building, Room 016 Department of Physics
Motaghi, Seyed Khalil kmotaghi +98 24 3315 3782 Earth Sciences Building, Room A009 Department of Earth Sciences
Mousavi, Seyed Saeid saeidmousavi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Mousavi, Zahra z.mousavi +98 24 3315 3821 Earth Sciences Building, Room A108 Department of Earth Sciences
Movahed, Parichehr pmovahed +98 24 3315 5047 Mathematics Building, Room 047 Department of Mathematics
Naderi, Mostafa m.naderi +98 24 3315 3817 Earth Sciences Building, Room A104 Department of Earth Sciences
Najafi, Ali najafi +98 24 3315 2115 Physics Building, Room 115 Department of Physics
Najafi, Hedayat hnajafi +98 24 3315 2254 Physics Building, Room 254 Computer Center
Najafloo, Akram a.najafloo +98 24 3315 2117 Physics Building, Room 117 Department of Physics
Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi mmnajafpour +98 24 3315 3201 Chemistry Building, Room 201 Department of Chemistry
Narimani, Zahra narimani +98 24 3315 3374 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 374 Department of Computer Science and IT
Nasiri Gheydari, Sadollah nasiri +98 24 3315 2259 Earth Sciences Building President Office
Nasrollah Nejad, Abbas abbasnn +98 24 3315 5085 Mathematics Building, Room 085 Department of Mathematics
Nazari, Fariba nazari +98 24 3315 3494 Chemistry Building, Room 204 Department of Chemistry
Nazari, Sara snazari +98 24 3315 5146 Mathematics Building, Room 146 Financial Affairs
Nedaaee Oskoee, Ehsan nedaaee +98 24 3315 2217 Physics Building, Room 217 Department of Physics
Nedaiasl, Khadije nedaiasl +98 24 3315 5053 Mathematics Building, Room 053 Department of Mathematics
Nemati Saray, Behzad bn.saray +98 24 3315 5042 Mathematics Building, Room 042 Department of Mathematics
Neshat, Abdollah a.neshat +98 24 3315 3200 Chemistry Building, Room 200 Department of Chemistry
Nikkhah Bahrami, Yasaman ynikkhah +98 24 3315 5148 Mathematics Building, Room 148 Planning and Investment
Niry, Mohammad Dehghan m.d.niry +98 24 3315 2014 Physics Building, Room 014 Department of Physics
Nouroozi, Rahman rahman.nouroozi +98 24 3315 2224 Physics Building, Room 115 Department of Physics
Ojaghloo, Kobra ojaghloo +98 24 3315 5145 Mathematics Building, Room 145 Financial Affairs
Osanloo, Salar sosanloo 024 3315 5123 Mathematics Building, Room 123 Administrative Affairs
Osanlou, Farnaz f.osanlou +98 24 3315 2253 Physics Building, Room 253 Computer Center
Oujaghi, Farshid f_oujaghi +98 24 3315 3128 Chemistry Building, Room 128 Department of Chemistry
Pahlevani, Peyman pahlevani +98 24 3315 3396 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 232 Department of Computer Science and IT
Paknahad, Ali apaknahad +98 24 3315 2126 Physics Building, Room 126 Security Affairs
Parvizi, Abdol Karim parvizi +98 24 3315 2059 Physics Building, Room 059 Department of Physics
Pirhaghi, Mitra m.pirhaghi +98 24 3315 3311 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 311 Department of Biological Sciences
Poyandeh, Ali poyandeh Mathematics Building Plumbing Affairs
Rahimi, Robabeh r-rahimi +98 24 3315 2301 Torkaman Library, Room 293 Torkaman Library
Rahimirad, Javad rahimirad +98 24 3315 5152 Mathematics Building, Room 152 Technical Office
Rahmani, Shahrokh shrahmani +98 24 3315 3433 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 112 Foreign Languages Section
Rahmatian, AliReza alireza.rahmatian +98 24 3315 2163 Earth Sciences Building President Office
Ramezani, Majid ramezani +98 24 3315 3397 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 231 Department of Computer Science and IT
Ranjbar, Farzin farzin.ranjbar +98 24 3373 9157 science and Technology Park, Room 211 Industrial Relationships
Rashedi, Ali alirashedi +98 24 3315 2131 Physics Building, Room 131 Industrial Relationships
Rasouli, Saifollah rasouli +98 24 3315 2012 Physics Building, Room 012 Department of Physics
Razzaghi, Parvin p.razzaghi +98 24 3315 3375 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 214 Department of Computer Science and IT
Razzaghi, Saeed saeed.razzaghi +98 24 3315 2179 Physics Building, Room 179 Service Affairs
Reyahi, Rasoul reyahi +98 24 3315 5141 Mathematics Building, Room 230 Computer Center
Rezaei, Abolfazl arezaei +98 24 3315 3779 Earth Sciences Building, Room A006 Department of Earth Sciences
Rezaei, Omid o.rezaei +98 24 3344 5129 Physics Building, Room 129 Gardening
Rezaeian, Mahnaz m.rezaeian +98 24 3315 3788 Earth Sciences Building, Room A015 Department of Earth Sciences
Rezaey, Javad rezaee +98 21 6641 2702-03 Tehran Office Supplying Affairs
Rooin, Jamal rooin +98 24 3315 5104 Mathematics Building, Room 097 Department of Mathematics
Rostamkhani, Samaneh s.rostamkhani +98 24 3315 5001 Science and Technology Park, Room 224 Science & Technology Park
Rouhani, Maryam rouhani +98 24 3315 3314 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 314 Department of Biological Sciences
Saadati, Farideh saadati +98 24 3315 2257 Earth Sciences Building Vice President Office
Saatsaz, Masoud saatsaz +98 24 3315 3777 Earth Sciences Building, Room A004 Department of Earth Sciences
Sadeghi, Sadegh s.sadeghi +98 24 3315 5064 Mathematics Building, Room 069 Department of Mathematics
Sadeghi Bigham, Bahram b_sadeghi_b +98 24 3315 3379 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 379 Department of Computer Science and IT
Sadeghian, Majid majid.sadeghian +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Saeedi, Samira ssaeedi +98 24 3315 4222 Science and Technology Park, Room 220 Science & Technology Park
Saeidian, Shahpoor saeidian +98 24 3315 2220 Physics Building, Room 220 Department of Physics
Salamat, Amirhossein salamat +98 24 3315 4224 Science and Technology Park, Room 201 Science & Technology Park
Salmani, Abuzar salmani +98 24 3315 2076 Physics Building, Room 076 Gardening
Salmani, Mojtaba m.salmani +98 24 3315 2137 Physics Building, Room 137 Transportation Affairs
Sayadlouyi, Mohammad m.sayadlouyi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Seraji, Mohamad Hassan h.seraji +98 24 3315 5143 Mathematics Building, Room 143 Technical Office
Shabanian, Esmaeil shabanian +98 24 3315 3786 Earth Sciences Building, Room A005 Department of Earth Sciences
Shahidi, Mojtaba shahidi Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 240 Department of Computer Science and IT
Shahsavari, Hamid Reza shahsavari +98 24 3315 3206 Chemistry Building, Room 206 Department of Chemistry
Shakori, Abdollah a.shakori Science & Technology Park Service Affairs
Shami, Azam shami +98 24 3315 5140 Mathematics Building, Room 140 Student Affairs
Sheidani, Sorour sheidani +98 24 3315 3394 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 394 Department of Computer Science and IT
Sheikhnezami, Somayeh snezami +98 24 3315 2223 Physics Building, Room 223 Department of Physics
Shirazi, Mahmoud m.shirazi +98 24 3315 3395 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 231 Department of Computer Science and IT
Sobouti, Farhad farhads +98 24 3315 3814 Earth Sciences Building, Room A101 Department of Earth Sciences
Sobouti, Mohammad Amin m.sobouti +98 24 3315 4102 Science and Technology Park, Room 221 Industrial Relationships
Sobouti, Reza rsobouti +98 24 3315 2266 Physics Building, Room 266 Computer Center
Sobouti, Yousef sobouti +98 24 3315 2211 Physics Building, Room 211 Department of Physics
Sodi, Anam Allah a.sodi +98 24 3315 2070 Physics Building, Room 070 Executive Management Office
Soleymani, Fazlollah soleymani +98 24 3315 5060 Mathematics Building, Room 5060 Department of Mathematics
Soltani, Fereshteh soltani +98 24 3315 2299 Torkaman Library, Room 299 Torkaman Library
Soltani, Mansour mansour.soltani +98 24 3315 2059 Physics Building, Room 059 Department of Physics
Soyouf Jahromi, Seyed Saeed saeed.jahromi +98 24 3315 2247 Physics Building, Room 247 Department of Physics
Taghi Khaki, Zahra taghikhaki Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 237 Department of Computer Science and IT
Taghiloo, Vahid v.taghiloo +98 24 3315 2015 Physics Building, Room 015 Department of Physics
Taherkhani, Ali ali.taherkhani +98 24 3315 5108 Mathematics Building, Room 108 Department of Mathematics
Tahmasebi, Elham etahmasebi +98 24 3315 3121 Chemistry Building, Room 121 Department of Chemistry
Talebi, Fariba f.talebi +98 24 3315 3490 Mathematics Building, Room 137 Financial Affairs
Taromi, Hasan htaroomi +98 24 3315 3939 Earth Sciences Building Security Affairs
Taromi, Hossien h.taromi +98 24 3315 2135 Physics Building, Room 135 Security Affairs
Tavakoli, Jamshid j.tavakoli +98 24 3315 2279 Library, Room 279 Service Affairs
Vahedpour, Mehran vahedpour +98 24 3315 5120 Mathematics Building, Room 120 Cultural Affairs
Vahidinia, Mohammad Hassan vahidinia +98 24 3315 2248 Physics Building, Room 248 Department of Physics
Valizadeh, Alireza valizade +98 24 3315 2120 Physics Building, Room 120 Department of Physics
Varmaghani, Fahimeh f.varmaghani +98 24 3315 3125 Chemistry Building, Room 125 Department of Chemistry
Varsaie, Saad varsaie +98 24 3315 5107 Mathematics Building, Room 107 Department of Mathematics
Vasighi, Mahdi vasighi +98 24 3315 3378 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 378 Department of Computer Science and IT
Yazdan Pour, Ali Akbar yazdan +98 24 3315 5083 Mathematics Building, Room 089 Department of Mathematics
Yousefi, Bashir b.yousefi +98 24 3315 5143 Mathematics Building, Room 143 Administrative Affairs
Yousefi, Mahin m-yousefi +98 24 3315 2259 Earth Sciences Building President Office
Zaare-Nahandi, Rashid rashidzn +98 24 3315 5109 Mathematics Building, Room 109 Department of Mathematics
Zakavi, Saeed zakavi +98 24 3315 3202 Chemistry Building, Room 202 Department of Chemistry
Zaker, Manouchehr mzaker +98 24 3315 5071 Mathematics Building, Room 105 Department of Mathematics
Zamani, Amin amin.zamani Chemistry Building Service Affairs
Zamanlou, Farzaneh zamanlou +98 24 3315 5119 Mathematics Building, Room 119 Student Affairs
Zandi, Hamed zandi +98 24 3315 3439 Information Technology and Computer Science Building, Room 118 Foreign Languages Section
Zanganeh, Mohammad m.zanganeh +98 24 3315 2302 Torkaman Library Torkaman Library
Zarei, Mina mina.zarei +98 24 3315 2017 Physics Building, Room 017 Department of Physics
Zarrin, Fatemeh zarrin +98 24 3315 5138 Mathematics Building, Room 138 Education Affairs

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