News and Conferences

Mr Alireza Rahmatian newly appointed Head of IASBS President's Office and Public Relations

The IASBS President, Prof Babak Karimi, has appointed Mr Alireza Rahmatian as the new Head of the IASBS President's Office and the Head of the Public Relations Office. The University President has wished Mr Rahmatian success in carrying out his new responsibilities. The letter of appointment reads,

Dear Mr Alireza Rahmatian


Given your experience, commitment, and capabilities, you are hereby appointed as the Head of the IASBS President's Office and Public Relations of the University effective from 22 May 2023. I trust that you will make a serious endeavour to render the assigned duties including administrative relations, correspondence, scheduling a suitable calendar of appointments between the President and different internal units and the executive bodies outside, and other designated duties according to the attached list. I wish you success in your assigned responsibilities.

Sun, 21 May 2023

Attached File

Mr Alireza Rahmatian newly appointed Head of IASBS President's Office and Public Relations

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