News and Conferences

Appointment of Dr Morteza Azizi as Head of IASBS Legal, Contracts, and Complaints Response Department

The IASBS President, Prof Sadollah Nasiri Gheydari, has issued a decree appointing Dr Morteza Azizi as the Head of the university’s Legal, Contracts, and Complaints Response Department.

In the appointment decree, Prof Nasiri Gheydari has asked God the Most High to grant Dr Azizi success in carrying out his assigned responsibilities.

Dr Morteza Azizi's decree states:

“In view of your commitment, knowledge, and experience, according to contract number 1355 dated 16 April 2024, and by virtue of this decree, you are appointed as the ‘Head of the Legal, Contracts, and Complaints Response Department of the University’ for a period of 2 years starting on 5 March 2025.

It is hoped that, trusting in God the Most High, you will make appropriate plans to organise legal affairs and contracts, and create an accountable organisation based on the university's strategic plan, as well as the implementation of upstream documents, especially the country's comprehensive scientific plan and the Islamic University document.

It is also expected that with initiative and diligent follow-up, institutionalisation of the managers' due attention to legal matters in their area of ​​responsibility, completion of measures to document university property, monitoring of all university contracts, serious attention to accountability and handling complaints, and creating a platform to protect the legal rights of colleagues will be seriously considered.

I ask God the Most High to grant you increasing success.”

Mon, 03 Feb 2025

Appointment of Dr Morteza Azizi as Head of IASBS Legal, Contracts, and Complaints Response Department

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