Hello, my name is Mehdi Daraei. I am a sedimentologist who works on carbonate sedimentology that means the study of different sedimentologic aspects of carbonate rocks. Most my recent studies are focused on the paleo-depositional environment interpretation of carbonate rocks. However, I have also conducted some research projects on carbonate reservoir geology with the aim to describe the geologic properties of carbonates reservoirs. For those who are familiar with reservoir geology, I have extended my studies to reservoir characterization, particularly the zonation of carbonate reservoirs via using different rock typing methods such as Flow Unit Indicator and/or Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz Plot. Recently, I am working on the application of neural networks on the reservoir rock classification.
-Reconstruction of paleo-depositional environments and settings, -The study of diagenesis, particularly its relationship with reservoir characteristics, -Reservoir geology and characterization, -Sequence stratigraphy of carbonate successions.
sedimentology, sedimentary petrology, diagenesis, sequence stratigraphy, carbonate sedimentology, carbonates, carbonate reservoirs, reservoir quality, geology, reservoir geology, rock types, depositional environment, sedimentary environment
Carbonate Rocks (Carbonate Sedimentology)
Advanced Microfacies
Geology of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Application of sequence stratigraphy to sedimentology
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