The IASBS has signed an MoU with Zanjaan’s Regional Electricity Company. The MoU which covers a a range of issues in education, research, and technology was signed on Tuesday, 8 March 2022.
Read moreThe IASBS President, Prof Babak Karimi, has appointed Dr Seyed Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee as the new Head of the IASBS Science & Technology Park.
Read moreThe fifth and sixth rounds of the Sobouti-Khadjehpour Prize have been held online. During a ceremony held on 23 February 2022, prizes were awarded to young Iranian researchers in different branches of the basic sciences.
Read moreA number of the IASBS faculty members have received promotions according to a resolution passed by the IASBS Audit Board on 21 February 2022.
Read moreThe teams of the IASBS and Science & Technology Park staff have succeeded in gaining the joint third place in Men’s Teams Darts Competitions in Zanjaan Province.
Read moreThe outstanding professor of physics, Dr Yousef Sobouti, has been selected as the recipient of the first round of the Dr Mohammed Ghareeb Award in Basic Sciences by the jury committee.
Read moreIASBS staff have succeeded in gaining the first place in Women’s Teams Darts Competitions and the first and the second places in the Singles event in Zanjaan Province. The Darts Competitions for Government Employees were held in the Eesaar Sport Complex in Zanjaan on 13 January 2022.
Read moreMs Masoudeh Abedi from the Physics Department has gained the third place in the Physical Fitness section of the Admin Staff Sports Competitions in Zanjaan Province.
Read moreThe Head of the Student Affairs Organisation, Dr Hashem Dadashpour, and the Head of the Student Welfare Fund, Dr Masoud Ganji have paid a short visit to the IASBS. The visit took place on Wednesday, 5 January 2022.
Read more5 master’s and doctoral IASBS theses have been approved by the Selection Committee of Javaaneh 2 Technology Grant after a call for applications and refereeing. Two of the theses are on information and communications technology, two on optics and one on chemistry.
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